Thursday, May 29, 2014

Pink is more decisive and better for boys

File:Boy's Dress Image.jpg
For a very long time both boys and girls were dressed the same up until about six or seven years old. They wore white and they wore gowns. This was practical for a lot of reasons but mainly because you can bleach white clothing and babies are very messy little creatures. Gender norms are constantly being redefined and marketing departments like to take advantage of this. When colored baby clothing became widely available stores and magazines began giving suggestions for how you should dress which sex baby. In 1918,an article in Earnshaw's Infants' Department, suggested that, "The generally accepted rule is pink for boys, and blue for girls. The reason is that pink, being a more decided and stronger color, is suitable for the boy, while blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for the girl." Their were all kinds of suggestions about who should wear what color and eventually, just because, pink became the color for girls and blue for boys. Blue versus pink didn't matter so much to marketing companies, the differentiation did. Companies could now sell pink and blue furniture, when a couple had a girl baby they would buy all pink furniture and when they had a boy a year later they had to buy all new accessories, making for more sales.

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